IWBA CLE Financial Aid PolicyThe New York State Continuing Legal Education Board requires that a detailed financial aid policy be submitted with all applications for accredited Provider status and for accreditation of individual courses. This requirement has been established in an effort to provide affordable CLE programs for New York attorneys who are unable to attend due to cost considerations. IWBA members may apply for tuition assistance to attend CLE conferences based on financial hardship. Under that policy, any member of the IWBA who has a genuine financial hardship may apply using the IWBA Financial Aid Form, no later then five (5) working days prior to the program. The form requires complete contact information and an explanation of the basis of the applicants hardship. If approved, the applicant will receive tuition assistance based on the guidelines below. Attending attorneys in public service may also apply for the discounts below. The fee for IWBA CLE programs is generally $325 for members, for a two day conference, however the cost may vary depending on the venue and location of the event. The below discounts and scholarships are available for IWBA conferences. Discounts and Scholarships
The IWBA Financial Aid Form can be found by clicking here. For more details, please contact the IWBA office at [email protected]. |